
Tuesday, January 30, 2007


January's definitely not the time to visit Brisbane.....its super HOT!!!!!I always thought I can survive the summer....but I was wrong.......its worse than sg's room feels like an oven....the fan doesnt seem to be working....hmmmmm......i sorta regretted coming back for summer coourses....really feel like going back to sg for cny......any sponsors?????haha

good thing that i'm almost done with my summer courses....i'm left with 1 final assignment & 1 exam....everything will be over by 8th feb........then i'll have about 2+ wks of hols before i start my final semester....hopefully i can survive throughout the summer....

Saturday, January 13, 2007

summer semester.......

its been a week since I return to staying in Brisbane temporary as I'm having lessons in the St Lucia campus.......technically, I'm done with 1 subj.....but I've yet to submit the assignments.....oh well.....didn't know Michelle's such a tough examiner....hopefully I'll survive.......I'll be doing another subject next week....think I'll be done with my summer semester by 10th feb.....

been trying to survive with limited internet access......hopefully it'll not affect me much when I do my assignments.......hmmmmm....i guess that's it......can't think of anymore things to write....